Workshops and Tutorials
Monday 19 September 2022
Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Energy Efficiency and RF communications
(Room - Aula 1C) Half day
Matteo Meneghini (University of Padova, IT)
Matteo Meneghini is associate professor at the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padova. His main interest is the characterization, reliability and modeling of compound semiconductor devices (LEDs, laser diodes, HEMTs), and optoelectronic components, including solar cells. Within these activities, he has published more than 400 journal and conference proceedings papers.
Francis Balestra (SINANO Institute, CNRS - IMEP-LAHC, FR)
Francis Balestra, CNRS Research Director at IMEP-LAHC, is Director of the European Sinano Institute and has been Director of several Laboratories, IMEP and LPCS, for a total of 10 years. Within FP6, FP7 and H2020, he coordinated several European Projects (SINANO, NANOSIL, NANOFUNCTION, NEREID) that have represented unprecedented collaborations in Europe in the field of Nanoelectronics. He is member of the AENEAS Scientific Council, of the European Academy of Sciences, of the Advisory Committee of several International Journals, of the IRDS International Roadmap Committee, and of European Working Groups for Roadmapping activities. He is Editor-in-Chief of the ISTE OpenScience Journal “Nanoelectronic Devices”, he founded or organized many international Conferences, and has co-authored a large number of books and publications. He is currently Vice-President of Grenoble INP, in charge of European activities.
Wide bandgap semiconductors are creating a revolution in the field of power electronics. The goal of this tutorial is to discuss wide bandgap semiconductors for application in next generation power converters and RF communications. Dr. Farid Medjdoub (IEMN-Lille) will describe the recent advancements in the field of GaN power transistors, and the aspects related to fabrication; Dr. De Santi will give a talk on reliability and performance evaluation in wide bandgap semiconductors; Prof. Giovanni Verzellesi will discuss TCAD modeling of GaN-based RF and power devices. The workshop is co-organized with the SiNANO Institute, European Academic and Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics, that provides a large expertise in the field of Micro and Nanoelectronics with 24 renowned European research Organisations and Universities.
08:30 - 10.00
Design and fabrication of GaN power devices
GaN-based devices for both high efficiency switching and RF applications in modern power electronics are increasingly moving into the focus of worldwide research and development activities. Due to their unique material properties GaN power devices are distinguished by featuring a combination of high breakdown voltages, high electron mobility, low on-state resistances and fast switching properties. These devices show promise for both existing as well as emerging applications. Various device concepts to address the specific needs of each of these areas are under intensive development by groups around the world. This tutorial will provide an overview of the material properties, device structures, and fabrication processing issues surrounding this emerging device technology. It will especially discuss technological ways towards engineering higher performances.
Farid Medjdoub (IEMN - CNRS, FR)
Farid Medjdoub is a CNRS senior scientist and leads a research team ‘WIND’ focused on wide bandgap material and devices at IEMN in France. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical engineering from the University of Lille in 2004. Then, he moved to the University of Ulm in Germany as a research associate before joining IMEC as a senior scientist in 2008. Multiple state-of-the-art results have been realized in the frame of his work. Among others, world record thermal stability up to 1000°C for a field effect transistor, best combination of cut-off frequency / breakdown voltage or highest lateral GaN-on-silicon breakdown voltage using a local substrate removal have been achieved.
His research interests are the design, fabrication, characterization and simulation of innovative wide bandgap devices. He is author and co-author of more than 200 papers in this field. He holds several patents deriving from his research. He serves as an Editor for Superlattices and Microstructures journal. Starting from 2019, he is leading the Nitride power activities within the French national network called GaNexT.
10:00 -10:30
10:30 - 11:15
Trapping and reliability of wide bandgap devices
In this presentation, we will review the most critical parasitic effects that can limit the dynamic performance and reliability of wide bandgap based devices. The presentation will focus on both experimental characterization data and material analysis, to provide insight on the most useful characterization techniques and on how to interpret the results. Furthermore, newly-developed theoretical models able to explain the experimental findings will be covered, supported by numerical simulations.
Carlo De Santi (University of Padova, IT)
Carlo De Santi graduated in 2010 and obtained a PhD in Information Engineering in 2014. Since Sep. 2019, he holds an assistant professor position at the University of Padova.
His main research activities focus on the characterization, modeling of physical processes and reliability of electronic and optoelectronic devices based on elemental and compound semiconductors, including various ternary and quaternary compounds. The application fields of interest are traditional devices and innovative structures for power electronics and radio frequency systems, LEDs and lasers in the UV, visible monochromatic and white spectral range, devices for silicon photonics, solar cells and photodetectors, phosphors and systems for lighting applications (also based on laser sources). The activities are carried out in collaboration with numerous national and international research centers.
He is the co-author of more than 250 journal and conference publications, including 43 invited ones.
11:15 - 12:00
TCAD modeling of GaN-based RF and power devices
Understanding parasitic phenomena that limit the performance, stability, and reliability of GaN-based RF and power HEMTs is essential for the optimization of these key technologies. In this talk, we discuss the contributions that TCAD simulation has given to the achievement of the above goal.
Giovanni Verzellesi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, IT)
Giovanni Verzellesi has been a Professor of Electronics with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, since 2006. His main research interests are presently in the field of GaN RF and power HEMTs and GaN LEDs.
12:00 -13:30
